Frequently Asked Questions
Here's some of our frequently asked questions. If you have a question, please click here to send us an email or call us at 1-218-332-0797.
What are your rental policies?
How do I get on the waiting list?
Any interesting facts about Walker Lake Preserve?
How did this development start?
How are the the campground and development different?
What are the benefits of a common interest community?
Doesn't a common interest community cost more?
Can I camp on my lot?
Do I need to build right away?
What schools and churches are nearby?
Who provides local services?
What else is there to do nearby?
How are boat slips managed?
Will the road be paved?
How do I get into Otter Tail Lake?
Can I build an outbuilding?
Is there going to be a pool?
Who owns the lakeshore?
Who maintains the homes?
What do my general association dues pay for?
Who runs the various associations?
What supporting documents do you have?
What are your rental policies?
The rental season runs when we are frost-free which generally early May to late September.
Click to view seasonal operating policies.
What are some interesting facts about Walker Lake Preserve?
Lake Info |
DNR Information on Walker Lake |
Development Size | 78 Acres with 44 Acres (57%) Open Space |
Property Use |
Single-Family, Restricted |
Governing Body |
Property Owners Association |
Maintenance Fee |
Set by Property Owners Association |
How are the the campground and development different?
The WLP development has home sites that are rented on a seasonal basis, or for sale. The campground sites are only for seasonal rental. The sites in the development are mostly larger and more heavily treed and average about 1/2 acre. Campground sites have mature trees on one side and average about 1/6 acre which is still 3 to 4 times the legal minimum size. The properties are managed by a single company, WLP Development LLC. The common areas on both properties are available to all residents; this includes 3400 feet of lakekshore, beach, pavillion, picnic shelter, play field, slip-and-slide and walking trails.
Back to TopHow did this development start?
Our families grew up on Walker Lake. We wanted to save the lake and let others to share this treasure in an environmentally friendly way.
We love Walker Lake! Our families have lived on Walker Lake for four generations. We heard a big company wanted to come in and spoil the lake with an excessive development. The best regional environmental minds were consulted on ways to preserve habitat, fishing and views. The result is a low-impact, natural community for 34 lucky families. We donated over 1/2 mile of shoreline as a conservation easement to the MN-DNR and sold another piece of land to the fisheries department. This resulted in 1-1/2 miles of preserved wildlife and fish habitat.
You can own a share of 3,400 feet of protected shoreline with more to do than other lake property owners. Swim in our large beach area. Take a leisurely walk with minimal traffic. Play ball or practice golf in the playfield. Picnic in a private park. Go fishing while others maintain your yard.
Sharing amenities gives you better choices for less. Small bare lots on Otter Tail Lake can cost over $300,000. Get a complete home and room to roam at Walker Lake Preserve for less money. Then buy a boat with the money left over and cruise into Otter Tail Lake. Do you enjoy your privacy? Do you like nature? Walker Lake Preserve is the place for you. If you’re looking for a better life, you’ve found it. We think you’ll love Walker Lake too!
Back to TopWhat are the benefits of a common interest community?
More To Do. Less Work For You!
Get more amenities like walking trails, playfield, large beach and picnic area. You can elect to have your home maintained so you have more free time. You can enjoy your time at the lake. With shared amenities you get more choices for little added expense.
Back to TopDoesn't living in a common interest community cost more with the dues?
There are property tax savings that offset a significant portion of the homeowner association dues.
The property owners association owns the lakeshore and amenities. Each property owner has a proportional interest in the homeowners association. The assessed value on your home is less since you don't directly own the lakeshore. The amount of the savings will vary depending on each situation, but can be hundreds of dollars annually.
Back to TopWhat schools and churches are nearby?
Public Schools
Battle Lake - ISD # 542
Perham - Dent - ISD # 549
Private Schools
Lakeland Christian - Henning
St Henrys Area - Perham
St Paul's Lutheran - Perham
Morning Son Christian - Fergus Falls
Hillcrest Lutheran Academy - Fergus Falls
Our Lady of Victory Elementary - Fergus Falls
Trinity Lutheran - Fergus Falls
St John's Lutheran - Ottertail
United Methodist - Perham
Zion Lutheran (ELCA) - Amor
Basswood Baptist - Richville
Grace Lutheran - Henning
United Methodist - Henning
St Paul's Lutheran - Henning
St James Catholic - Underwood
Tingvold Lutheran - Underwood
Trefoldighed Lutheran - Battle Lake
Eagle Lake Lutheran - Battle Lake
St John Lutheran Missouri - Wadena
Southbrook Baptist - Wadena
Messiah Lutheran (ELCA) - Wadena
Zion Free Lutheran - Wadena
United Methodist - Richville
First Baptist - Henning
Who provides local services?
Perham Memorial Hospital
Lake Region Healthcare - Fergus Falls
Ottertail and Battle Lake Volunteer
Park Region Telephone - Telephone, TV, High Speed Internet
Lake Region Electric Cooperative
Tax Authorities
State of Minnesota
Ottertail County
Battle Lake Independent School District #542
Amor Township
What else is there to do nearby?
Nature Areas
Walking/Skiing Trails
Large Beach
3,400 Feet Common Shoreline
Picnic Area
Large Play Field
Golf Practice Area
Other Recreation
Maplewood State Park
Over 1,000 lakes in Otter Tail County
Over 50 within 15 Miles
Thumper Pond
Perham Lakeside
Local Links
Ottertail City
Fergus Falls
Battle Lake
How are boat slips managed?
There are 28 boat slips available. Owners or Seasonal renters can rent a slip for the season if available. Overnight use of any available slip is subuject to a daily use charge. Slip holders retain seniority rights from year to year. Electrical service is provided to the shoreline. Always-on or solar-activated lights are not allowed on slips without home owner association permission. Boat lift are supplied by the renter and are optional. Lifts should be less than 10 foot wide at the wheels. Wide lifts and lifts without fopuir wheels are assessed a movement surcharge. Lifts must be in good repair and canopies with a "see-through" design that are open at both ends are preferred. The rules and regulations has the complete set of rules on boat slips.
Will the road be paved?
The summer after 18 units are sold, a vote of owners can be held, if a majority wish to pave the road, the road will be paved to county standards for a township road. A special assessment will be applied to each owner to pay for the pavement. If voted down, the matter can be brought up at future annual meetings.
Back to TopCan I camp on my lot?
Recreation Camping Units (RCU's) are permitted under Otter Tail County Shoreland management Ordinance. Camping or living in temporary quarters on your lot is allowed. Each unit is allowed a set number of dwellings. On a single dwelling unit, owners are allowed one permanent dwelling or one RCU, but not both. Owners can have one additional temporary dwelling, like a tent or RV on site, for a period of time not to exceed two week as long as it is not connected to water and septic. Up to two vehicles may be parked on a lot outside a garage. Any trailer or dwelling not permanently attached to the ground must be of recent construction and maintained in good repair.
Do I need to build right away?
Once a home is started, the exterior must be completed within one year. You do not need to start building immediately.
Back to TopHow do I get into Otter Tail Lake?
Access to Otter Tail is provided through the Dead River on the SE corner of Walker Lake. The water level in the channel fluctuates with lake levels. Navigation through this channel is best done with a shallow drafting boat such as a Shallow V Outboard or High Floatation Pontoon Boat. Boats with inboard motors will not work well. Most Inboard/Outboards and Deep V boats will experience problems in low water. You must pass under a bridge on County Road 1 which provides about 6' of clearance.
The Dead River channel has a sandy bottom and is lined with cattails on the north side of County Road 1. The shallowest point of the access is about 100 feet into Otter Tail Lake where a sand bar will build up depending on wind and current.
Most years, Otter tail can be easily accessed in the spring time and through late June. During the later summer months, you may have to get out and push your boat across the sand bar as the water may be less than 1 foot deep. However, the water is warm and if you enjoy lake living, it is not a major inconvenience to wade a little. Most years you can use the river access all summer. However, sometimes the water level drops to a point where the lakes are landlocked. If so, there are a number of accesses to Otter Tail within a few miles.
Davis Lake can be also accessed from the Dead River flowing into Walker Lake on the NW corner by canoe or flat-bottomed boat by anyone who enjoys an adventure.
Back to TopWho owns the lakeshore?
All owners of Walker Lake Preserve own the lakeshore. 3,400 feet of lakeshore in Walker Lake Preserve is owned by the property owners association (WLPCSA). The walking trails, beach and dock area are all on commonly owned property. Each owner has a 1/34th interest in the WLPCSA.
Who maintains the homes?
Town homes and Twin home form a limited common element to maintain their dwellings and the surrounding property.
Single family homes are maintained by the property owner. They can get a maintenance agreement with the property owners association to maintain their property for lawn mowing, landscaping, snow removal and exterior maintenance.
Back to TopCan I build an outbuilding?
Subject to any necessary County approval, no more than one large outbuilding or detached garage not to exceed two thousand four hundred (2,400) square feet and one small outbuilding not to exceed two hundred sixty (260) square feet shall be constructed on a single dwelling lot or on twin dwelling lots. All outbuildings (including detached garages) shall be designed to be architecturally compatible to the dwelling(s) on the lot. There is no maximum size on the attached garage except there is a generous limit on the maximum impervious surface on each lot.
Back to TopIs there going to be a pool?
A pool may be built. After 18 units are sold there could be a vote of the owners whether to build a pool next to the pavilion. If it is agreed, then a special assessment to each lot will be made to cover the cost of construction and dues will increase to cover the additional costs.
Back to TopWhat do my general association dues pay for?
Many expense you'd normally pay separately!
Common area mowing, trail maintenance, common tree pruning, equipment leasing and maintenance, restroom and common ground cleaning, common snow removal, private road maintenance, supplies, reserves, common electricity, bookkeeping, accounting, legal, insurance, management and annual meeting expense. Normal household garbage
is an optional service. Each owner is responsible for mowing and maintenance
of their lot. This can be contracted for a reasonable fee.
Each property owner pays a pro-rated share of the total actual expense. Monthly dues for the general association are shown in the current association budget and are adjusted annually. Dues will increase if a pool is built to cover the additional maintenance, utilities, chemicals and insurance expense.
All property owners belong to the general association. Property owners in multiple unit homes form another limited common element that covers their unique maintenance and upkeep costs. Other limited common elements can be created to cover their unique maintenance and upkeep costs. Dues for the limit common elements that property owners may belong such as shared wells, septic and electricity.
Back to TopWho runs the various associations?
Each property owner has a vote on the board directors. The board appoints the architectural control committee. Details on terms and rules are available on request.
What detailed legal and supporting documents do you have?
General Disclosure
Final Declaration
WLPCSA Annual Report 2023
Rules and Regulations
Final Plat
Articles of Incorporation
Agreement Limiting Warranties
Conservation Easement
Conservation Easement Management Plan
Property Owner Association Bylaws
Seasonal Rental Operating Policies
Waiting List
Seasonal Lease Agreement